A Row in a Database is Called
What is a row and a column in a database called. Each row in a table. One To Many Unidirectional Association Java By Developer Object Oriented Programming Engineering Branches Java Tutorial In the context of a relational database a row also called a tuple represents a single implicitly structured data item in a table. . A row in the table of databases is also known as. In simple terms a database table can be thought of as. Each column n a database table is called a ____ field. Each row in a table represents a set of related data and every row in the table has the same structure. Each row which represents a complete record of specific item data holds different data within the. In the context of a relational database a rowalso called a tuplerepresents a single implicitly structured data item in a. Organize and keep track of things. In the context of a relational database a rowalso called a tuplerepresents a ...